Rar files are compressed archives created by file compressor programs like Winrar. These archives can be password protected with strong one-way algorythms that cannot be decrypted. Losing a rar archive password is a great problem that can be solved only by trying different passwords till the correct password is found. This is how Rar Password Recovery Easy 1.0 which is developed by aGRa Softworks functions. It utilizes a ready word list which is known as dictionary attack. Latest technology implemented in this program, will enable it to try thousands of passwords per minute against a password-protected archive. These word lists can be dictionary files from any language. The program already comes with two word lists, one is a small dictionary and the other is a common password list extracted from real people passwords of real online websites. One important missing feature is the ability to use Brute-Force attacks to recover the password by trying every symbol, numbers or character combination. It can recover passwords from small archives and those which are few Giga-Bytes.The program will only try the first 250 words from your word list in the Demo version.